After a great time in Santa Barbara, I'm finally moving on. I will be going to Turkey for 3 months to be an au pair for a family. After that, who knows...but I'm excited for the possibilities.

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California, United States

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting ready to leave

Welcome to my blog! I hope to keep on top of this so I can keep in touch with everyone and let them know how I am doing. Last day of work tomorrow- that rolled around fast! Next week will be spent finishing packing up my life in SB and storing it at my parent's house. It's kinda sad but I think I'm ready!

I bought my tickets earlier this week December 27- March 27. I'll be heading back to my parent's house to swap out winter clothes for spring/summery ones for my friend Molly's wedding in the Caribbean (Guadeloupe). Still have to get tickets for that; it's up in the air because ideally I would like to go back to Europe for another au pair job but I don't have any plans yet. Stay tuned to find out more!

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is pretty cool. This week one of my students told me that she had the best time of her life in Turkey last semester ;)
