After a great time in Santa Barbara, I'm finally moving on. I will be going to Turkey for 3 months to be an au pair for a family. After that, who knows...but I'm excited for the possibilities.

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California, United States

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Market & Food

Last Monday I popped into the local grocery store called Migros and browsed around. Really wanted peanut butter but only saw one American one but didn't get it because of that whole PB scare. They have a Nutella like spread though which is really good. I found this snack that's like a Twix but round and about the size of a cookie- really good! And there's these little muffins either filled with a little bit of chocolate filling or caramel (I've only had the caramel- yum!). The cashiers have seats which I think is nice and you bag yourself. We had mantı for dinner which is mince stuffed ravioli topped with garlicy yogurt and chili oil- reminded me of Italian more than Turkish food but it was good. They were doughy mmmm. I can make Turkish coffee and tea now too!

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