After a great time in Santa Barbara, I'm finally moving on. I will be going to Turkey for 3 months to be an au pair for a family. After that, who knows...but I'm excited for the possibilities.

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California, United States

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wandering around town

I've gone to the post office near our place a few times now- I wonder if they recognize me yet. I'm glad there's one nearby. I've bought a bunch of postcard stamps and also have to go to mail international things (you can't from your mailbox).

Last Friday I explored the nearby town of Kadiköy a bit- I had only passed through it briefly on my way to the ferries. It was sunny but not warm- ah how I miss the mild southern California winters. I leisurely went into some clothing shops but didn't buy anything. I don't know why but there is a big stretch of the main street that's filled with wedding related shops- bridal gowns and wedding favors and wedding photographers. I went into this small indoor mall and it was all wedding stuff!

My goal of the day was to find a bookstore and get some English books to read. I made my way past the bull statue and into the downtown area I think. First I passed through a kind of alternative area with more westerny, punkish clothing and advertising and tattoo and piercing places (although I haven't seen many people with either). It reminded me a little of the Gothic Quarters in Barcelona- even the cobbley, windy streets. I passed through the fish market the mom was telling me about; there were also fruit, bread, spices, and sweets- everything looked good and I looked around but didn't get anything. As I was heading into this area I ran into a ton of men coming out of a mosque and all trying to get their shoes back on- it was pretty funny especially since the road was narrow and everyone was trying to go somewhere while trying to put their shoes back on. I saw a movie theater and a woman coming out but couldn't find a way in to see what movies were playing and what time- oh well.

I went into a couple of small bookstores and went up to the 2nd floor of one where there was a cafe- decided to get some tea and people watch by their big glass window. I wasn't exactly sure where I was but ended up being right across from the ferry buildings! I wondered where people were headed; I know they work pretty much the same hours as we do in the states and there isn't a siesta or anything but it seemed everyone was out: old people, students, delivery guys, businessmen, some school children. I finally found some books in English at a larger bookstore- except the guy on the 2nd floor said they only had one, then showed me upstairs where they had more? Anyways, I got Frankenstein, Emma, Sense and Sensibility, and Gulliver's Travels and started reading Frankenstein already. I actually accidently picked up 2 Sense and Sensibilities and asked the parents to write a note for me so I could go back and exchange it the next day- which was successful :) I also bought some chocolate bars with pistachios in them- they are really really good!

Speaking of pistachios, the best (and more expensive) baklava are the ones with pistachios- mmmm yum! The other ones are good too but that crunch and taste just make it perfect and balance the super sticky sweetness. Another thing which I like a lot are dolmas- it means stuffed and can be stuffed grapeleaves or cabbage leaves. I've actually had the grapeleaf ones in Santa Barbara! I'm not sure if the ones we've had have meat or not but I don't think so because they've been eaten cold. Glad I'm not vegetarian or have diet restrictons! Have I mentioned they eat yogurt with dinner a lot (it's the thick, creamy, white yogurt like I like back home)? I guess I shouldn't say with but more like as a condiment. I like it though but still eat it plain for breakfast sometimes which no one does here haha.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm that baklava sounds goood. I got hungry reading your description of the texture. I haven't had internet for the past 5 days but time warner finally installed it so now i'm good to go! So much to explore huh? When are you going to Vienna?
