After a great time in Santa Barbara, I'm finally moving on. I will be going to Turkey for 3 months to be an au pair for a family. After that, who knows...but I'm excited for the possibilities.

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California, United States

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shopping Mall & Movie

Last Wednesday I headed to the local mall Tepe Nautilus but unfortunately the buses don't run straight there (I think you have to switch somewhere) and dolmuşes don't really head that way so I took a taxi which was quick and not too expensive. The mall is pretty large and the top floor is all cafes and restaurants. I saw Vıcky Cristina Barcelona and the theater was really nice! I feel bad the ticket and concession guys were talking to me but I had no idea what they were saying so I just smiled and bought my stuff. The seats were really spacious and almost reclined a little and I feel like are cleaner than movie theaters in the US (like I didn't notice gum stuck everywhere). And this theater had the rows and seats labelled unlike the other one so it was easier to find my seat! The movie made me think of my short time in Barcelona and how much I liked it- made me want to go back! Scarlett Johansson's character doesn't know what she wants in the beginning and still doesn't at the end, but knows what she doesn't which is how I feel too. And the other girl, her friend, doubts her marriage before it's even official and then goes on pretending like everything's fine and the older lady fell out of love with her husband but doesn't feel like she can say anything or divorce him (I kinda fear both). It wasn't one of those feel good movies although I did like it. Afterwards though, I went shopping :)

I picked up a cute warm pink and brown plaid jacket and a cute but spacious brown bag and then at Zara an off-shoulder top for the spring and a grey striped sweater for now. I tried on some really cute dresses with Molly's wedding in mind but I think they were a little fancier than I what I am imagining I want.

Took a taxi back but caught it further down than where the first cabby dropped me off. I should have had the guy just stop by the crosswalk but he went around the block to drop me off on the right side of the street, but not even that close which I thinks defeats the purpose of a taxi and it had started raining and I wasn't wearing the most comfy shoes. Oh well.

The mom went out of town a few days for a trade show and so we will have dinner at the dad's parents house while she is gone. Both his mom and the parents are pretty good cooks. One of the nights I met Emre's cousin who was really funny and his maternal grandma- she was really cute and reminded me a bit of my grandma on my mom's side too. The parents got new phones so they are letting me use an old one for emergencies and to call me about picking up Mert (the bus driver calls the parents when he's getting close to the stop) which is really nice.

There's this TV show we always watch at the grandparents' house that's basically Wheel of Fortune but 10 times longer and with a tiny wheel. In the beginning they go to various small towns and pick these families (always seem to be huge families and in rural areas) and have them play some games for prizes. Then the regular contestants play but there's a ton of dance breaks- like if someone lands on certain spots they will either dance for a bit where they are or for the spot where you can go pick out various electronics in 30 seconds, the contestants go up where the Vanna White equivalent is (much skanier though and everytime it's a different girl) and dance and the host dances with women from the audience for like 10 minutes. And the host will sometimes just dance randomly too or lie down on the podium in front of the contestants- it's such a weird show! I laugh everytime I watch it.

Mert will be on winter break for 2 weeks starting the end of the month but they will be out of town during that second week and I plan on going to see my friend Marie in Vienna and meet her boyfriend (and belatedly celebrate my bday)! I'm excited to see her because she's been doing grad school in Sydney for almost the last year and I miss her and I can't wait to meet the bf!

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